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Querious 2 1 15 Commentary

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Commentary on 2 Peter 1:12-15 (Read 2 Peter 1:12-15) We must be established in the belief of the truth, that we may not be shaken by every wind of doctrine; and especially in the truth necessary for us to know in our day, what belongs to our peace, and what is opposed in. A Call to Repentance - Gather yourselves together, yes, gather together, O undesirable nation, Before the decree is issued, Or the day passes like chaff, Before the Lord's fierce anger comes upon you, Before the day of the Lord's anger comes upon you! Seek the Lord, all you meek of the earth, Who have upheld His justice. Seek righteousness, seek humility. It may be that you will be hidden. Romans 1:8-10 Commentary. Romans 1:11-15 Commentary. Romans 1:16-17 Commentary. Romans 1:18-19 Commentary. Romans 1:20-21 Commentary. Design invitation templates 1 4 download free. Romans 1:22-23 Commentary. Romans 1:24-25 Commentary. Romans 1:26-27 Commentary. Romans 1:28 Commentary. Romans 1:29-31 Commentary. Romans 1:32 Commentary. Romans 2:1-2 Commentary. Romans 2:3-4 Commentary. 2 Peter 2 – The Rise and Fall of False Teachers A. Facts about false teachers. (1) The presence and work of false teachers. But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. 2 Chronicles 20:15-17. Thus saith the Lord, Be not afraid — You have admitted fear enough to induce you to have recourse to God: now do not give way to that fear which would drive you from him. The battle is not yours — It is not in your own cause, nor in your own strength, that you engage; the battle is God's — And he doth and will interest himself in your favour, as you have desired.

  1. Querious 2 1 15 Commentary Of The Bible
  2. Querious 2 1 15 Commentary David Guzik
(15) For so is the will of God.—This refers to the command contained in the last two verses, which then is further explained by the clause which follows, 'that with well-doing.' See a very similar construction in 1Thessalonians 4:3. The 'well-doing' of this and the last verse bears the most general sense of good conduct, not the special sense noticed on the 'fair works' and 'fair life' of 1Peter 2:12.

Put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.—A very contemptuous expression, the word for 'put to silence' being the same as in 1Corinthians 9:9; 1Timothy 5:18, to 'muzzle' or 'gag,' implying that there is something of the animal about these 'foolish men.' The same contempt appears in each word of the clause, even down to 'men,' which might be rendered 'people' or 'creatures.' The word for 'ignorance' implies a stolid and wilful ignorance, and is so used by heathen authors, as well as very markedly in the only other place in the New Testament, 1Corinthians 15:34. 'Foolish,' too, contains moral reprobation, Luke 11:40; Luke 12:20; 1Corinthians 15:36. suggesting thoughtlessness rather than senselessness. The definite article is also used in the Greek (as in 2Thessalonians 3:2), and again seems to indicate that St. Peter had some particular enemies in view who had brought the charges. This accusation was evidently one of a political Man reader 1 8 1 download free. nature; and, indeed, history shows us that the hostility of the empire to the faith was entirely based on the corporate nature of the Christian religion. They would not have minded the cultus, but they could not tolerate the Church. Pliny distinctly says in his letter to Trajan, that it was in consequence of Trajan's issuing an order against hetœriœ or societies, that he was led to contend with the Christians in Bithynia.

2:13-17 A Christian conversation must be honest; which it cannot be, if there is not a just and careful discharge of all relative duties: the apostle here treats of these distinctly. Regard to those duties is the will of God, consequently, the Christian's duty, and the way to silence the base slanders of ignorant and foolish men. Christians must endeavour, in all relations, to behave aright, that they do not make their liberty a cloak or covering for any wickedness, or for the neglect of duty; but they must remember that they are servants of God.For so is the will of God - That is, it is in accordance with the divine will that in this way you should put them to silence.

That with well doing - By a life of uprightness and benevolence.

Ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men - See the notes at Titus 2:8. The reference here is to men who brought charges against Christians, by accusing them of being inimical to the government, or insubordinate, or guilty of crimes. Such charges, it is well known, were often brought against them by their enemies in the early ages of Christianity. Peter says they were brought by foolish men, perhaps using the word foolish in the sense of evil-disposed, or wicked, as it is often used in the Bible. Yet, though there might be malice at the bottom, the charges were really based on ignorance. They were not thoroughly acquainted with the principles of the Christian religion; and the way to meet those charges was to act in every way as became good citizens, and so as 'to live them down.' One of the best ways of meeting the accusations of our enemies is to lead a life of strict integrity. It is not easy for the wicked to reply to this argument.

15. Ground of his directing them to submit themselves (1Pe 2:13).

put to silence—literally, 'to muzzle,' 'to stop the mouth.'

ignorance—spiritual not having 'the knowledge of God,' and therefore ignorant of the children of God, and misconstruing their acts; influenced by mere appearances, and ever ready to open their mouths, rather than their eyes and ears. Their ignorance should move the believer's pity, not his anger. They judge of things which they are incapable of judging through unbelief (compare 1Pe 2:12). Lucid dream 1 0 – an old school adventure game. Maintain such a walk that they shall have no charge against you, except touching your faith; and so their minds shall be favorably disposed towards Christianity.

For so is the will of God; his command.

Querious 2 1 15 Commentary Of The Bible

That with well-doing; all manner of offices of humanity, whereof obedience to magistrates is a principal one.
Ye may put to silence; Greek, muzzle, stop the mouths, Titus 1:11; viz. by taking away all occasion of evil-speaking.
The ignorance; either their ignorance of the state and conversation of believers, which may be the occasion of their speaking evil of them; or their ignorance of God and his ways, to which Christ imputes the fury of persecutors, John 16:3. They that know not God themselves, are most ready to reproach and slander those that do.
Of foolish men; true wisdom consisting in the knowledge of God, they that are destitute of that knowledge, as unbelievers are, are called foolish. For so is the will of God,.. Which refers not so much to what goes before; though it is a truth, that it is the will of God that men should be subject to magistrates, and that magistrates should encourage virtue, and discourage vice, reward the obedient, and punish delinquents; but to what follows:

Querious 2 1 15 Commentary David Guzik

that with well doing; by doing good works, and those well; by living soberly, righteously, and godly; by having the conversation honest among the Gentiles, agreeably to the law of God, and as becomes the Gospel of Christ; particularly, by living according to the laws of civil society, so far as is consistent with, and not contrary to the commands of God; and by being subject to every civil magistrate, and ordinance of man:

ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: or, as the Syriac version renders it, 'that ye may stop the mouths of those foolish men who know not God'; or, as the Ethiopic version has it, 'who know not these things'; who are ignorant of God, of his righteousness, of his law, his Gospel, and ordinances. The Gentiles were very ignorant of these things, and very foolish in their imaginations about religious affairs; and from this their ignorance and folly arose calumnies, reflections, and censures upon the people of God; they neither knew God, nor them, nor true religion, and reproached what they understood not, and for want of knowing it: now the apostle signified, that it was the declared will of God that his people should so behave in civil life, that their enemies should be entirely confounded, and silenced, and have nothing to say against them; the word signifies to be muzzled, to have the mouth shut up, as with a bit or bridle; it is used in Matthew 22:12.

{19} For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:

(19) He declares the first argument more amply, showing that Christian liberty does among all things least or not at all consist in this, that is, to cast off the bridle of laws (as at that time some altogether unskilful in the kingdom of God reported) but rather in this, that living holy lives according to the will of God, we should reveal to all men, that the gospel is not a cloak for sin and wickedness, seeing we are free of this sort, that yet we are still the servants of God, and not of sin.

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